1 2 6 5 4 7 8 3 1 Rhea McGarry, Dareth Newton, Daniela Bills-Everett, Caoimhe Connolly 2 Donal Lenihan, Kieran McLoughlin, Joanne Cantwell 3 Louise Kennedy, Michael Flatley 4 Claire Conroy, Alan Foy 5 Gerard Ryan, Donal Lenihan, Joanne Hyde 6 Caitriona Fottrell, Donal Lenihan, Melanie McCourt 7 Top: Tommy Gallagher, Gerard Ryan, Kieran McLoughlin Middle: Mark Cunningham, David McRedmond, Emer Gilvarry, Hugo MacNeill, Caroline Kennedy, Alan Foy Bottom: Ronan Foley, Caitriona Fottrell 8 Melanie Morris, John Fitzpatrick, Moira Murphy connect 2017 • 93 DUBLIN AROUND THE WORLD February, 2017 Over 350 guests attended The Ireland Funds annual Rugby Lunch in Dublin’s Shelbourne Hotel to honor Irish Rugby hero Donal Lenihan. Worldwide President and CEO of The Ireland Funds, Kieran McLoughlin welcomed guests, gave an update on The Ireland Funds’ activities over the past 12 months and thanked them for their great philanthropic support.RTEBroadcasterJoanneCantwell,emceedtheeventand conducted an interview with the honouree Donal Lenihan who was a player, manager and now pundit. Donal gave fascinating insight into his time in the Irish jersey both on and off the pitch. In attendance were Michael Flatley, a long-time supporter of The Ireland Funds; former Taoiseach Brian Cowan; Chairman of The Ireland Funds America John Fitzpatrick and Chairman of The Ireland Funds Canada Oliver Murray. The Ireland Funds Board Directors in Ireland were represented by Ronan Foley, Mark Cunningham, Alan Foy, Tommy Gallagher, Emer Gilvarry, Caroline Kennedy, Hugo MacNeill, David McRedmond, Gerard Ryan and Director of The Ireland Funds, Caitriona Fottrell. Special thanks to lunch sponsors Land Rover Ireland, AIB and Eversheds-Sutherland for their wonderful support. The Ireland Funds Rugby Lunch Photos: Dee Organ, Mark Stedman