17th January, 2013

Young Leaders Worldwide Summit 2013

Date : 17th January, 2013

Young Leaders Membership

Contact Young Leaders Directors Pat Tully or Caitlin Duffy with any questions about the Summit.


Exclusive Young Leader Member rates available at our host hotel
The Fitzpatrick Grand Central Hotel

Please contact Ann Murtagh at Fitzpatrick’s Grand Central Hotel
Direct: 212-784-2602


United States

Patrick Tully   Email Me >
345 Park Avenue,
17th Floor, New York, NY 10154
T: 212 689 3100
F: 212 689 3336
Mobile: 917.837.3654


Caitlin Duffy   Email Me >
The Victoria Buildings
2 Haddington Road
Dublin 4
P + 353 1 662 78 78
F + 353 1 662 78 79


In The Media

WorldIrish.com: Worldwide Ireland Funds set to gather their ‘Young Leaders’ for New York summit This weekend in Manhattan, the Worldwide Ireland Funds will bring together over 150 ‘Young Leaders’ from across the US, Ireland, Great Britain and Canada for their second annual summit. The summit, which begins Thursday Fitzpatrick’s Hotel Grand Central, will be launched by New York City Council Speaker, Christine Quinn, American Ireland Fund Board Director, John Fitzpatrick and Kieran McLoughlin, the CEO of the Worldwide Ireland Funds. On Friday, there will be guest speakers at the Alexandria Conference Center in Manhattan, a business lunch session at the Nasdaq Marketsite, Times Square, a Young Leaders Breakout session with facilitators and an event at the American Irish Historical Society which will be attended by Consul-General Noel Kilkenny. On Saturday, a business brunch in Bloomberg’s Conference Center at which Caitlin Duffy, Young Leaders Director of the Ireland Funds will speak will be followed by more breakout sessions and finally an evening meal prepared by celebrity chef Marc Murphy at Stone Rose Lounge on Columbus Circle.