24th February, 2016

Leadership Breakfast Series with Mark Little 2016

Date : 24th February, 2016

The Ireland Funds

Leadership Breakfast Series

Wednesday, 24 February 2016


at Davy, Davy House, Dawson Street, Dublin 2

We are delighted that Mark Little, leading global joualist, founder of Storyful, and Twitter’s VP for media partnerships, will be joining us for our Leadership Breakfast Series.

The forum will provide an opportunity for a private audience of The Ireland Funds members, and their guests, to hear Mark’s insights and to facilitate an open questions and answers session.

Thank you.
Siobhán Gallagher, Young Leaders Director


Mark Little is Twitter’s Vice-President for Media Partnerships in Europe and Africa.

He is responsible for making Twitter valuable to a wide range of creative talent in TV, sports, news, govement, music and publishing.

Before joining Twitter, Mark was a joualist and entrepreneur. He is the founder and former CEO of Storyful, the world’s first social media news agency. Before creating Storyful, Mark was an award-winning foreign correspondent for the Irish national broadcaster, RTE. He has more than 20 years experience in TV and digital joualism.

by Wednesday,17 February 2016
to Siobhán Gallagher

Thank you to Davy for sponsoring the event.


Siobhán Gallagher


The Ireland Funds

Denshaw House, 121-122 Baggot Street Lower Dublin 2 Ireland

T - +353-1-662-7878

E - sgallagher@irelandfunds.org

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