11th February, 2016

Grants Workshop – Cork city

Date : 11th February, 2016

The Ireland Funds are hosting 12 free grant workshops across Ireland on:    
 “Making a Competitive Grant Application”

These workshops will provide an opportunity for organisations to lea about our two grant programmes; the Small Grant Round and the Flagship Investment Grant Round.

These workshops will provide insight into:
·      The grantmaking process of The Ireland Funds
·      Our core programme areas and funding priorities for 2016
·      Examples of strong versus weak applications
·      Tips on what makes a competitive grant application to both the Small Grant Round and the Flagship Investment Grant Round


Please check the Grant Guidelines page for more information


Nicki Lynch

Head of Operations

The Ireland Funds Ireland

Denshaw House, 121-122 Baggot Street Lower, Dublin 2, Ireland

T - +353-1-662-7878

E - nlynch@irelandfunds.org

Email Link